Maryam reveals development of tourism
Maryam Jamil

Egyptian tourist guide, Maryam Jamil, stressed that summer tourism is developing in the Arab countries, because it contains many coasts competing with the countries of the world, pointing out that there are a group of Arab countries developing their tourist beaches every year, such as Egypt, which was interested in developing the beaches of Alexandria and Marsa Matrouh.
In a special interview with Emirates Voice, Jamil said that Egypt has been able to return to competition in summer tourism, especially since it has taken care to attract all categories of visitors, where there are also residences for the rich and the poor. She pointed out that Jumamat area in Tunisia has witnessed remarkable development. She added that the citizens of Egypt and Tunisia are the ones who preserve the aesthetic form of the beaches, adding that citizens have already become ambassadors for all visitors.

According to Jamil, other Arab countries are working every winter to develop their beaches to receive tourists in summer. "Therefore, we find that most tourists in the Arab countries from different countries are from Europe, Asia and Australia, stressing that Almighty Allah gave the Arab countries a moderate climate attracting European patients who spend their recuperation periods in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
She explained that the beauty and development was not only in the beaches but also in the streets and roads, indicating that she expects in the coming years that world tourists will go to the city of Ras al-Bar in Egypt, because its remarkable development.