Actress Youssra Al Lozi

Egyptian actress Youssra Al Lozi expressed her pleasure for the success of his new film “Hamza’s Bag”, saying that she received increasing positive reactions for the role he presented during his work.

She stressed her keenness to follow the fans’ reactions over the roles she performs, saying the fans’ reactions are the major standard upon which she assesses the roles she performs in her different works. She stressed that the role she performed in the film is considered a turning point in her career as she performs a role of a member of a gang.

She also expressed her pleasure for signing a new contract to participate in the new drama show “Haj Noman Family” scheduled to be presented during the coming year outside the drama season of Ramadan. She revealed that she will start filming her role this month in different places in Cairo.

She added that she agreed to participate in this work, as it is considered one of the long shows that will attract the attention of the fans. She expressed her confidence that the new show will achieve notable success after its presentation