Elham Shahin will participate in new drama show
Actress Elham Shahin

Egyptian actress Elham Shahin revealed the reason behind her absence in Ramadan’s drama this year, saying that she was scheduled to participate in a drama show entitled “My Son”, while it has been suspended due to the difference over the identity of the director who take the responsibility of this work. She stressed keenness to follow the drama shows presented this year

The Egyptian actress added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that she will start film her new film “Nassim Al Hayat” immediately after Eid Al Fitr, saying that it would be a strong work. She refused to give any details about the new work. She stressed that it will not be less successful than her previous film “A Day for Woman” which achieved notable success during the recent period.

She revealed that “Nassim Al Hayat” is her last experience of production upon which she will decide whether to produce other films or not. She added that she will not participate in any drama shows during the coming Ramadan as she did not receive any suitable scenarios.

She revealed that she received a number of offers to participate in a new drama show, saying that she is currently considering the new offers to choose one of them for the coming drama season of Ramadan.